Welcome to my homepage. Thank you for stopping by, here you'll be able to find and read my poems and also use some of the Web Apps I have made over the years.
Poems Read the poems I have written over the years. You can also search by keyword and filter by tag.
Wishlist Create and share wishlists between family and friends. Easily manage your items: order, category, if they are repeated, if they are shared, how many you want. Easily mark off items on other people's list's as purchased.
Piggy Bank Online piggy bank to help you keep track of what money you have to spend. Simply add the money to your piggy bank when you get it and remove it when you spend it!
Learning A series of games to be played with parent supervision to help reception aged children improve their reading and numeracy. Fun characters, colourful settings, and soft sound effects help keep the child engaged.