A Long Walk
Written: 13/07/2011
Life cannot be walked alone
It is too far, too long
And what if you should fall?
Who would be there to pick you up?
Who knows the steps of a man
For they are like footprints in the sand
Washed away by the rising tide
Forgotten by even the one who walked them
But nothing escapes the sights of God
The Maker of the Heavens and the Earth
Now back from which you came
Until you are called to life again
Because death is coming
And whether you run, or hide
It will catch you up
And destroy you from inside
This is the common fate of all
The painful curse of the fall
A remnant that will some day pass
Into the fire it shall be cast
Your long walk will one day end
Body ceasing to be able to mend
Life is but a vapoured mist
And from it comes your eternal gift
- Death
- God