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Meet me after midnight

Written: 06/01/2012

Meet me after midnight on the small footbridge
Where the riding moon's reflection shimmering
Off the rippling water from the swaying grass
Glistens in your eyes as we silently listen
To the haunting whistles and coos above
Reverberating out from the green tree tops
In this midsummers night in sweet July

Kiss me under the stars for I made a wish
By the shooting star that twinkled overhead
And watch carefully as I tell stories of the night
Those of characters who hide themselves by day
Only to slowly reappear when the sun is sound asleep

Hush now my deer or else dawn will wake
Keep watch for the morning star rousing
Early in the East to gather the dew to sprinkle
It over the fields, meadows, and atop of the hills
Follow me through the dark back to our houses
First back into town along the quiet streets
Tell me you love me at the crossroads
And under the light of a flickering lamp
You will know I love you more

By Pete Scopes