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Misty Mountains

Written: 06/03/2012

Misty mountains ever high stand proud
Your ranges to grey in thickening mystery shroud
Trees climb but the grass climbs higher
Rocks crest in snow-capped attire

Some shoulders broad and their peaks low
Others tear the skies, alpine but narrow
Storing away the source of rivers and streams
Do you keep secret pools, have secret dreams?

Are there cavernous networks waiting to be found?
Do they stretch to your peaks, delve deep underground?
Do they all interconnect in a pitch black maze?
Could you regain your path if but one foot strays?

Are there creatures aplenty that idly roam
Yet disappear when invaders approach their home?
Do you know of the ages you've remained unshaken?
Do you know of all the names you've taken?

Still you prevail wild, as yet untamed
Your beauty, by human hands, unmaimed
Few paths lie across your hills and vales
Fewer wonder down the slowly fading trails

By Pete Scopes