Of Boys & Men
Written: 24/10/2009
What makes a man?
At what point does the boy lose that something
& put on the new garment of manhood?
Can a boy learn to be a man by his own devices?
Or does he need a guide to show him the path?
& if so we must look to our Father in Heaven.
What is it that separates the two?
Like water & air there is a fine line between them.
Can a boy stand up to the test of life?
When all around him his life is crashing & burning
is it a boy, or a man that can stand up?
A man that knows when it is time to retreat.
But life is not all full of misery.
There are things to do, sights to behold,
treasures to find, secrets to keep.
Is it in boyhood a man gains his adventurous heart?
Each man is different, & yet is some way alike.
All fighting a battle to survive is this world.
A boy cannot always be boy, or should not.
It is a sad sight to see a boy in a mans body.
There you see the truth of a society slowly
falling down at the wayside.
We need men, real men to boldly stand up
for what is right, good & just.
& guide the boys down the path to manhood
& robe them in the mantle of love, bravery,
compassion, strength, kindness, humbleness,
joy, leadership, and love.
- Life