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Rules of Life

Written: 30/11/2001

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Live the life
That is given
Come awake from time
Old are we
Out like the young
An angel's hand
Gives us easy days

Life is around
Each one of us
Don't let it die
For we are the offspring of love
Don't hide your feelings
They're not yours to hide

Follow your dreams
Don't let them fade
Life is special
Don't waste it
Following unwanted things
Life is hard

True love is hard to find
In a world so bitter
And filled with hate
Their desires are not true
To the life that was given

To them in a world of love
In which God
Has put us to serve Him
In any way possible

Treasure the love you are given
Cherish it
And give double back
For love should be given Not taken

Those people
With no love
Are filled with hate
And greed
In such a fragile body
Don't harm it

Friends are like angels
Who help us fly when our
Wings have forgotten
How to fly
Love those
Who love you
And those who don't
As this world is filled
With unsaved souls

By Pete Scopes