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The Saying Goes

Written: 12/12/2010

Is it to truly know what you had
first you must lose it?
Is the value of our treasures
based on the pain of their loss?
Must we have the suffering
to fully realise once obtained joy?

I once had treasure, a beautiful gem,
who made me smile just at a thought.
I once had a gift, pure joy opened up
every time my eyes met hers.
But now that light has left,
the kiss has become the scar.

So, do I fully understand what I had
now it is outside of my grasp?
Oh, to know the true love!
Light without reference to darkness.
Complete in its fullness understood
no knowledge of any blemish.

Light shines out over light,
shelter in its innocence.
Blinding, brighter than any sun,
no more battles all is one.
In life, in love, in light all around.
Oh Glory, please, over us surround.

By Pete Scopes