Welcome to my poems directory.
Love Is (Part IV)
by Pete Scopes
Love is a trusting doe It never gives up hope It grazes on the dewy grass And helps those who can't cope Love is a steady hand It needs no flashy show It is there when needed most And will never let you go...
Love Is (Part III)
by Pete Scopes
Love is a humble duck It does not boast one quack It flutters grace-filled feathers And never turns its back Love is an ancient tree It keeps no record of wrongs It shelters me from the rain And is always full of songs...
Love Is (Part II)
by Pete Scopes
Love is a joyful child, It always thinks the best. It frolics in the open fields, And calls us out to rest. Love is a sunny day, It is warming to the soul. It brings a smile to my face, And makes my heart whole....
Love Is
by Pete Scopes
Love is a strange beast, It swings from branch to branch. It clambers over this and that, And accepts us as we are. Love is a wondrous thing, It is deeper than the sea. It keeps the secrets we impart, And listens carefully....