Welcome to my poems directory.
Another Cup of Tea
by Pete Scopes
I lift my mug and check below the brim And I'm met bare, there is nothing in My cup of tea had disappeared, again Time to boil the old kettle once more I fill it first, back & forth along the floor My feet tread worn tracks, again Pavlov's b...
The Weeds
by Pete Scopes
Weeds have come, weeds have come It's time to get to work With shovel, spade, and sweaty brow And my garden fork Weeds are going, weeds are going Just mud, and grass, and joy Now to rest & solace Alas these weeds have a ploy Weeds are wa...
All My Socks
by Pete Scopes
All my socks have holes in them Not just those required to wear Regardless of where this probem stems...
Submarine, Submarine
by Pete Scopes
Submarine, submarine, under the sea Bobbing along very happily Do you spy the coral, coloured oh so bright The reef itself is living, & a fishes bed at night...
Spring Winds
by Pete Scopes
O Spring why do you torment me so Rushing in strong then letting go? Dancing in the gentle, warm in breeze Yet you idle in the cold, Winter's tease...
The Numbers Mean Nothing
by Pete Scopes
Carefully did he stack, those pieces white and black Atop of one another, until the table he did cover Ever up & higher, his handiwork admire A castle of many tiles, which brought him many smiles...
The House of Love
by Pete Scopes
For all of you who wish to know I shall tell you where to go An old friend or new in town If you're up for fun, they are totes down The House of Love is not hard to find Just listen dear friends to this simple rhyme...
A Glass of Port
by Pete Scopes
A glass of port, a cracker and cheese I sleep and dream as I please Here & now, not when head meets pillow And my poetry does more easily flow Out of mind & through my pen And from the inked letter into my head again...
Mischievous Max
by Pete Scopes
Mischievous Max, the old dog of our road Considers every house yet another abode Of his to enjoy for he follows the sun [He] lazes and lies, gardens, paths, either one...
Homemade Rocketship
by Pete Scopes
Today I went to space In my handmade rocket ship Blast off from the kitchen To the moon on a round trip...
Never Miss Tomorrow
by Pete Scopes
Try to catch tomorrow It's always there in wait Stay up for dusk's shadow Nightly approach is its trait...
Short Lived
by Pete Scopes
From the top I gaze down on the steep slope covered in short grass Summers blue sky collides with treetops for the forest below At its feet the green green grass meets the brown gray trunks But all I see is not the picturesque scene rather a rollercoaster...
Dilly Dally
by Pete Scopes
A vast and long leisurely stroll No rush to achieve my morning's goal Ambling along without a care A slow saunter to almost nowhere...
Love Is (Part IV)
by Pete Scopes
Love is a trusting doe It never gives up hope It grazes on the dewy grass And helps those who can't cope Love is a steady hand It needs no flashy show It is there when needed most And will never let you go...
This Old Man
by Pete Scopes
This old man with a most crazy beard Was but walking along when some children sneered They said aloud with jeer in their voice "I can't believe he wears that by choice!" Off they went running, straight away Later those same children passed by his way T...
Love Is (Part III)
by Pete Scopes
Love is a humble duck It does not boast one quack It flutters grace-filled feathers And never turns its back Love is an ancient tree It keeps no record of wrongs It shelters me from the rain And is always full of songs...
Lost Keys
by Pete Scopes
I, most unfortunately, lost my keys the other day For the life of me I couldn't remember where they lay I scurried around hither and dither Around my house as my patience began to wither High and low and all over the shot I really thought my mind was goin...
The Busker Gal
by Pete Scopes
The smell of coffee, mornings call She drinks its nectar & is no-ones fool All day long A city street like a river flows Of people, shops like eddy's letting go And drawing in She sings of love, she sings of pain Of joys & hope that will never w...
The Dancing Girl
by Pete Scopes
Dancing girl dancing girl let the scoffers mock Dancing girl dancing girl just don't ever stop Gracefully she spins upon a silver pinhead Pirouetting, weaving as delicately woven thread Her art is a tapestry, slowly does it build With each fluid motion ...
The Teddy with a Tie
by Pete Scopes
My teddy has a tie I like to pretend he can fly Though the colours clash with his eyes I think he is a really cool guy He likes to sit on my desk Quite often he can be a pest The face he pulls are rather grotesque But it is all done in jest Together we ...
I Wish I Were... (Part II)
by Pete Scopes
I wish I were a giant snail I would smoke a cigar and depart on a whale I wish I were a golden eagle I would quote Shakespeare and ponce like a regal I wish I were a slippery snake I would steal a Van Gough and sell it as a fake I wish I were ...
I Wish I Were...
by Pete Scopes
I wish I were a bumblebee I would buzz in your face and hide in a tree I wish I were a velociraptor I would run around fast and then even faster I wish I were an African lion I would call you names and hula like a Hawaiian I wish I were a flop...
Love Is (Part II)
by Pete Scopes
Love is a joyful child, It always thinks the best. It frolics in the open fields, And calls us out to rest. Love is a sunny day, It is warming to the soul. It brings a smile to my face, And makes my heart whole....
A Lazy Bear
by Pete Scopes
The lazy bear creeps about the still forest The mornings' mist slowly climbing Crawling among the sleeping trees Nosing around the fallen fruit & branches A crack, a scuttle as a mouse flees in freight A hoot overhead and a swooshing swoop The silen...
The Great Unknown
by Pete Scopes
I whisper this to you alone, You're my love and I have shown You all the secrets of my heart, All things the world wish me part. I found glory for all to see, It is joy that wells up inside of me, He bids me come and drink my fill, To approach ...